Secret Garden Distillery recently one Gold and Silver awards in the spirits competition: The Luxury Masters. Our newest seasonal gin Winter and the unique Pinot Noir Gin both won Gold and our classic Wild Gin, made with organic spirit, won Silver.
Our gins are an expensive spirit by virtue of the way we manufacture: craft gin made by hand at our site in Edinburgh; using our own hand-harvested and dried botanicals; paying living wages to all our staff; bespoke award-winning glass. We entered the Luxury Masters competition to see if our liquids matched the best in the world in the Ultra Premium category.
The Luxury Masters competition developed as the financial crisis in 2023 started to bite into consumers wallets. People were still spending money on premium products but which represented value for money? The Luxury Masters awards were envisioned as accolades for super-premium and above spirits that would act as a signal to the discerning gin-lover which liquids were worth their time and money.
We are so proud to find three of our gins made the cut.
To find out more about the competition, click here and to buy our award-winning gins click here.

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